With over 13 years of experience, excelling in analyzing business needs and leading workshops, delivering tailored solutions. Proficient in ServiceNow ITSM and ITOM, specializing in Service Portal, Integration Hub, and AWS infrastructure implementation. Skilled in DevOps, integrating ServiceNow with Jenkins CI/CD, and adept at platform integrations like CloudBees and BMC Truesight. Currently advancing skills with ServiceNow CIS ITSM and Discovery courses. Skilled in DevOps,
Implementing ServiceNow IT Operations Management (ITOM),configures MID Servers for LDAP, ACC-V, and Discovery, seamlesslyintegrating ARCON Password Vault using custom plugin solutions.Effectively manages prerequisites, conducts extensive data centerdiscovery, and expertly handles a myriad of discovered data items,encompassing servers and switches. Demonstrating a proven record,deploys over 2000 ACC-V installations across platforms such asWindows and MacOS, leveraging automation tools like ManageEngine, JAMF, and BigFix.
Led initiatives in spearheading ServiceNow ITOM, Service Catalogdesign, workflow creation, and extensive integrations, leveraging REST,SOAP, and Scripted REST, notably integrating with Cloud Bees. Adeptlyimplemented data source and transform maps, along with craftingbusiness logic through various scripts and policies.
ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) and IT OperationsManagement (ITOM) implementations, demonstrates proficiency indesigning Service Catalogs, configuring workflows, and integratingtools through REST and SOAP protocols. Exhibits adeptness in scriptingbusiness logic, configuring Service Portals, managing incidents, andimplementing customizations. Expertise to the table in setting up MIDServers, executing discovery processes, integrating ARCON PasswordVault, and leveraging automation tools for endpoint managementand CMDB reconciliation.
Led ServiceNow ITSM implementations, covering catalog design,workflows, integrations, and incident management. In ITOM, managedMID Servers, ARCON Password Vault integration, and discoveryprocesses. In DevOps, orchestrated hybrid cloud setups, utilizedGitHub for version control, and Jenkins for continuous delivery.
ServiceNow Solutions Architect
Experience: 13 Years
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